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STRANGE Events in the World. What Happened on the Planet in Just Four Days?

Strange events are happening around the world, in one minute we will prove to you that you are in danger and show a way out of this situation. According to the UN, 90% of all natural disasters on the planet are related to water. Let's see what happened on the planet in just four days. Iran. 13 provinces of the country were affected by the flood. China. In the city of Beihai, 617 mm of precipitation fell in a day, breaking the daily historical record. Japan. In Shizuoka Prefecture, a monthly precipitation rate fell in 12 hours. Pakistan. As a result of flooding in the north-west of the country, 28 people died. Cuba. Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes, there are casualties. Romania. Hundreds of houses are flooded, settlements are without electricity and roads are blocked. Turkey. Houses, cars and workplaces in Ankara were flooded. With such an increase in the number of cataclysms, each of us may find ourselves in a zone of natural disasters. And now about the most important thing - about the way out. Recently, the world community has received a holistic answer to the question what is happening to the planet and what awaits us? A report of scientists has been published, which presents a forecast in the form of a mathematical model. And methods have been announced through which it is possible to stop disasters in the coming years. The Greatest Event in History will tооk place on April 22, 2023,at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out" 🌐 📧 E-mail:

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