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Review of the Forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live."

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

"Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live." This short and simple title implies an incredible number of senses. What prevents us from living well? Why is the global crisis heating up in our world? People from around the world had been answering these questions honestly and uncensored for 11 hours of the broadcast. Scientists, researchers, journalists, specialists, economists, health professionals and ordinary people — volunteers. They were not afraid to tell the truth to all mankind.

Shocking information about the real state of affairs on the planet can make even skeptics think about the near future.

Wars continue to rage around the world. Trillions of dollars are spent on armaments, and money has to be raised for treatment through posts on social networks…

How can there still be incurable diseases? With such a level of technology that makes it possible to launch satellites into space and fly to Mars, is science unable to find efficient treatments for cancer and other diseases?

Why do some people have a wealthy life and throw away fresh food while millions of others die of hunger every year?

Can it be considered a norm to consume about 20,000 liters of clean water to produce one pair of jeans while millions of people have to drink water contaminated with feces?

The list of these questions can be quite long. We're sure you have something to add to it.

These global problems are not even close to being solved, even though international peacekeeping and humanitarian organizations with billion-dollar funds have been working around the world for decades. Are they really arch-complicated for the entire global community, or is there simply no such goal as to end sufferings?

The truth that ordinary people from different countries can unite, cooperate and change the situation without being oligarchs, politicians and officials breaks patterns.

All of these topics were raised in the forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live” on May 7, 2022. The scale is impressive: the Forum attracted participants and listeners from 180 countries around the world, with simultaneous interpreting into more than 100 languages!

What united all these people was their understanding of the critical situation of humanity, of our planet, and the need to act as quickly as possible.

The Main Threat

Climate change is an objective, obvious and real thing. When natural disasters destroy entire cities in a few minutes, you can't just shrug it off.

A few examples of the fact that disasters are escalating rapidly and the climate is merciless:

  • Record Floods in Brazil (December 2021 — May 2022). In just four months of this year, northeastern Brazil has already recorded more rainfall than expected for the entire year! In December, the state of Bahia received a month's worth of rain in just two days. The result: two levees were breached. 67 towns were flooded.

  • Several days of heavy rains caused a series of flash floods in Malaysia (December 2021).

  • The eruption of Semeru in Indonesia (December 2021). It came as a deadly surprise to the people of Java. People were not informed of the imminent danger. 11 villages were buried under ash and hardened lava in a matter of hours.

  • Super Typhoon Rai in the Philippines (December 2021). Experts warned people about a typhoon of category 2 to 3, but near the islands the storm increased drastically to category 5 which is maximum. People were not prepared for a natural disaster of such a force.

  • Abnormal tornadoes in Kentucky, USA (December 2021). The tornado traveled almost 400 kilometers. For Kentucky it was the most destructive in its history. December is not a typical month for a tornado, especially of this magnitude. But in 2021 the number of December tornadoes broke all records, 8 times over the average. March 2022 continued the frightening statistics on the number of tornadoes in the United States. 226 tornadoes were recorded that month and this is the all-time record since observations began.

  • Storms in Europe (February 2022). The number of storms in Europe is growing every day: in the last year and a half alone, 33 storms struck the residents of European countries. That's exactly as many as there were during the nine years from 2010 to 2018.

Over the past 10 years, the damage from climate disasters has amounted to $2,811,000,000,000 and the number of refugees has doubled. In 2020, this number reached 82,400,000 people!

Refugees and Human Trafficking

Refugee camps are a source of both official and unofficial income, for those who work in the camps themselves and to those who work for international organizations. It is impossible to stop this monstrous business in the consumerist format, because there is an endless demand. State authorities are involved.

From the speech of Mouhannad Abdulqader, chief surgeon and deputy general director for Relations and Partnership of the association of independent doctors “IDA-Turkiye”:

“But there are refugees and the IDPs (internally displaced persons) here. They need shelter, they need food, they need healthcare. They need a lot. And “No, we are not interested there.” Humanitarian work is being politicized now. Literally.”

Until now, people have been living in refugee camps for generations and have not been able to escape the horror described by a refugee from Bangladesh:

“Yes, and actually now it seems that it's been more than 30 years. For 30 years we weren’t able to live like human beings. There’s no place in this world where we are able to live safely.

Our lives in this refugee camp have become more miserable than that of prisoners’. When people become prisoners they are appointed a lawyer to escape from that. But we’ve been living here like prisoners for more than 30 years, and in the whole world there is not a single lawyer for us…”

People placed in the most difficult conditions, deprived of their rights, housing, livelihood, become easy targets for “dirty” business.

The black market is a multimillion-dollar profit on human grief. Today, human trafficking, organ trafficking, is not an “urban legend,” today a human is a commodity.

Just think about it, you are a commodity!

We can no longer turn a blind eye to this situation, believes Weza Solange, TV host, producer, and founder of WS Consulting from South Africa:

“The crisis of human trafficking is increasing more and more every day. Authorities don't seem to be doing anything about it. You open the newspaper, you switch on the news, and you don't even hear anymore about the thousands of people going missing daily. Human trafficking is yet another cruel way of taking away the value in human lives. We truly need to stop closing our eyes and open our eyes to the truth! A lot of times, the only reason that evil is so bold is because it knows that no one from the good side is going to try to do anything. If we do not want to live in a society filled with fear, we are the ones that need to come together and start implementing these changes!”

Unified Emergency Service

How many abnormal phenomena must occur for people to start thinking? The climate is wiping everyone off the face of the Earth, not dividing them into rich and poor. But today people have already faced the fact that emergency services are not able to provide timely assistance to all victims of disasters. Participants of the Creative Society project reached out to experts around the world to find out if our society is prepared for natural disasters.

Pancho Ramirez, lifeguard, Philippines: “We are all targets and we are all victims. That is already a given reality. You cannot say “No, it will not affect me because I am rich.” A typhoon doesn't choose its path, even the millionaires' houses are even… Any kind of calamity shall be understood in a way that we know the effect of it.”

Today, half of the countries do not even have advance warning systems for hazards. And forecasting systems have proven to be a failure.

In a consumer society, disunity and bureaucratic procedures make it impossible to effectively save lives.

There has to be a single, global, very rapid-response rescue service that intelligently coordinates specialists and quickly dispatches the necessary equipment to save billions of lives! Including yours!

The economic cost of the world

At the international online forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live,” a shocking number concerning the money being spent on our planet was voiced. It was taken from the report of the Institute for Economics and Peace “The Economic Cost of the World 2021:”

"The consumer society we now live in, annually, costs us more than $14 trillion, spent precisely on conflict."

This includes wars and terrorism, slavery, the cost of crime for business, domestic violence, the cost of intelligence services, the cost of initiation, recovery, and consequences of violence against humanity.

How much is that, 14 trillion dollars? If you stack one trillion in $100 bills on top of each other, you get a stack 1015 kilometers high. That's two and a half times the orbital height of the International Space Station. That's an incredibly huge amount of money being spent on killing each other, on things no one needs. Are we crazy? Is this the life we dream of and the kind of world we want to live in?

Water Crisis

According to the report of the World Meteorological Organization, a large-scale water crisis is looming. Today, one in three people on the planet does not have access to fresh drinking water. One child dies from a disease related to contaminated water every two minutes, two billion people in the world use sources contaminated with feces. By 2025, half of the world's population will live in water-stressed areas.

However, humanity already has all the innovative technology to let everyone not be thirsty. But in the current consumerist format of society, trillions of dollars are spent on killing people. While creating a comfortable life for everyone turns out to be expensive?!


Today's world is a theater of the absurd. Every night 811 million people go to bed hungry, and already 38 countries are on the brink of starvation. But while on one side of the planet people die of hunger by thousands every day, on the other side more than 2.5 million tons of food are simply thrown away every day before it even reaches store shelves.

If we distributed this food to those who are undernourished, every person in need would get 3.5 kilos of food a day!

In a consumer society, hunger is everyone's perspective. In the Creative Society, no person in any country in the world would go to bed hungry.

The Creative Society is our only way out

It may seem that there is no way out of all this absurdity. But if there is a problem, it must be solved, not ignored. And the main problem today is the consumerist format of society.

While we still have time, it is necessary to use every minute to make the world a better place, and, basically, preserve it.

In essence, the forum was not only the truth heard around the world, but also a helping hand extended to everyone. The way how we can solve all of humanity's existing problems was voiced there. That solution is the Creative Society.

The Creative Society is not just the only salvation and chance to survive, it is beneficial for all and offers tremendous prospects for the whole of humanity. But each and every one of us is needed for this. It’s time to watch the forum and start taking action to create a safe and happy future.

“Remember that every day of inaction in the consumerist format entails missed opportunities and lost human lives. Whereas every day of active informing about the Creative Society is a chance for saving people’s lives and survival of the entire humanity. Therefore, now as never before, the choice, truth and actions of every person are extremely important.” These are the words from Zhanna’s speech at the Forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live.”

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