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CATASTROPHIC Wildfires in Alberta & British Columbia: Firefighting & Modern Society Challenges

Updated: May 23, 2023

May 2023 will be remembered by Western Canadians for unprecedented fires. Hot, dry weather and strong winds contributed to more and more fires. See our new report for more details.


🔥 CANADA: More than 100 wildfires have occurred in the provinces of ALBERT and BRITAIN COLUMBIA since the beginning of the month. Nearly 25,000 people have been displaced from their homes, many of them with nowhere to go back to.

🆘 A state of emergency was declared in Alberta on May 6 as dozens of blazes could not be brought under control for a long time. Smoke clouds from the blaze spread across the country and reached the east coast of the United States.

More than 410,000 hectares have already burned in Alberta since the beginning of the year. The area burned is larger than the country of Luxembourg. A total of about 420 wildfires have occurred during this period - twice as many as during the same time last year.


🔥 RUSSIAN FEDERATION: In the first half of April, apocalyptic fires also engulfed several regions of Russia. The fires raged in the Volga region, the southern Urals and Western Siberia. Hundreds of houses and even entire villages were turned into lifeless ashes. Many people were reported dead.

Although human error is said to be the main cause of the fires, a lack of spring rainfall, high temperatures and strong winds have contributed to the uncontrolled spread of the fire.

⚠️ There are already effective technologies that can save lives in emergencies. But this is not a priority in the consumer format.

We need to build a society that is more resilient and better able to withstand any changes that occur in both climate and socioeconomic systems.

📍 There must be a unified, global emergency service, a very rapid response, which will allow the competent coordination of specialists and the rapid deployment of the necessary technology to save lives! And this is possible in the format of the Creation Society.

The Greatest Event in History will tооk place on April 22, 2023,at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out"

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